The most fascinating projects are born from the evolution of dreams, without mathematical formulas or shortcuts, but with passion, love and a lot of dedication.
The farmland gives us the opportunity to make unexpected things, we are an example. We live our Rural Agricultural Society every day, as a farmer does, we are this. We cultivate in our garden what is needed for our Selection, without ever forcing the cultures, while respecting the time of maturation and the natural cycle. No less important is the selection of other botanicals and citrus fruits throughout the Calabrian territory, we are aware that we cannot do everything alone. We have never been afraid to show what each of our bottles contains.
Ivano Trombino, the Producer, always says: “to be able to talk about the territory you always have to sacrifice yourself, respecting something that gives us so much without ever asking for anything.”
Authentic liquorice of Calabria PDO. The ancestral method of boiling helps to weaken the roots which are subsequently squeezed. An alcohol infusion of roots reduced to chunks is prepared separately, alcohol content and maturation time of the infusion may vary from time to time.
The natural color, scent and density of Abracadabra make it a unique licorice liqueur.
· ORIGINE Italia
· ABV % 18.00
· VOL. ML 500
It is said that love and friendship are eternal, yet, for this magic to persist it must always be fueled by small but important details. In short, the flame must always be alive. At the Vecchio Magazzino Doganale they have made it a lifestyle, starting from their philosophy of friendships, comparisons, beauty, love, moments that leave an indelible mark in the heart and head of each of us. The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries seem so relevant today. The desire to be together, in a simple, convivial, elegant and colourful way, inevitably leads us towards a slowdown, a pause to rearrange ideas and create comparisons, smiles, emotions. A magical Italian moment, to restore fatigue by making us understand that time is precious: 'It doesn't matter where we stay together'.
Dopolavoro Liquore Aperitivo Amaricante contains in its complexity an exercise ready to drink. The true tradition of Italian style in a modern way. Composed of infusions of herbal extracts and infusions of Calabrian citrus peel.
· ORIGINE Italia
· ABV % 18.00
· VOL. ML 500
Our story always leads us to the historic Vecchio Magazzino Doganale, when Giocondo used to prepare, with a unique and magical ritual, a drink that was the ancestor of coffee, for his many friends who came to visit him ...
He always managed, with simplicity and wisdom, to combine small pieces of Ethiopian coffee with his toasted acorns.
We have therefore recreated a unique and timeless Amaro al caffè, as in the old ritual.
We recommend drinking it at room temperature or fresh from the refrigerator, no freezer. Excellent on hot summer afternoons and for convivial occasions, when mixed it surprises and simply extended with tonic water gives great satisfaction.
· ORIGINE Italia
· ABV % 23.00
· VOL. ML 700